6:30 am - My alarm sounds and I begrudgingly open an eye. We have to be at Home Depot at 7am to return the wood we have on "will call", rent a truck, pick out new boards, and bring them home.
7:00 am - We grab a cart for the wood (this in itself seems to be a feat to track down this morning) and head to the decking section to get the 2"x8"x16' pressure treated boards. As it turns out they are stacked up higher than I can reach. I ask a (very helpful!) employee to help Dan while I head to the service counter to return the wood on "will call" and rent the truck.
8:00 am - We start loading the 16' boards on the truck. This is way more work than it looks. It takes us 30 min to get them in there and the door closed. On a scale of 1-10, my crankiness is at a 5 now.
8:30 am - I get the keys to the truck. When I get back outside Dan has an odd (yet gleeful) look on his face.
Me: what?
Dan: I have something to show you?
Me: Um, what?
Dan: Come here . . .
We start walking over to the pallet of concrete blocks as he points between them. I crouch down to see this:
Do you see that little kitten face? We tried to catch it for awhile, but it was too hard to get to.
9:00 am: We head to the house to drop off the boards.
9:45 am: Back at HD to get the other boards we need to the railings etc. When you're at home making the list, 30 - 1"x6"x8', 12 - 2"x4"x12', 32 ballusters, and 6 - 4"x4"x10' boards don't seem like much. But, when you start loading them up . . . you realize how much that is.
By the time it took to load the wood, drive to the house, and unload the wood - it was close to 11am. We hadn't even done anything yet.
to be continued. . .